• The basic principle of safe staying on rope park equipment is to attach yourself to the lifeline. If someone is unable to perform this activity for any reason, they should not step onto the park equipment without supervision
  • Persons wishing to use the Rope Park must receive from the instructor equipment protecting against falling from a height (harness with carabiners, carabiners, pulley and helmet).
  • Only the instructor puts on the safety equipment
  • After the safety equipment has been fitted, no changes may be made to it.
  • Jewelry, glasses, cell phones and other items should be properly secured so that they do not pose a threat to the health or life of the owner and other customers
  • People wearing long hair should hide them under a helmet so that they do not get caught in the pulleys and other elements of the park
  • The lanyard carabiners (marked in red) should be attached with locks in two opposite sides.
  • After each attachment of the carabiner, check that the lock has been properly closed
  • When moving to successive obstacles, first fasten the first then the second carabiner to the lifeline. It is unacceptable to unhook both carabiners at once!
  • The attachment points are marked in red.
  • If there are no obstacles on the steel rope, it means that a pulley should be attached there. You should first attach the pulley to the rope, checking that the lanyard is not twisted. Only then to fasten the carabiners one after the other from the lanyard so that the pulley is first on the zipline. When riding on a pulley, hold only the pulley lanyard.
  • Grabbing a steel rope during a downhill ride can cause serious injury! The only permitted downhill position is the “sitting” position.
  • When approaching the platform, raise your legs and bend them slightly at the knees to absorb any impact on the mattress. When stopping, grab the additional rope or loop by hand so as not to leave the platform. It is not allowed to grab the rope by the block so that the returning block does not hit our hand.
  • Attention!!! In the last phase of the descent, do not reach out towards the mattress. If we were not able to stop on the landing and we returned. Wait until we stop, and then grasp the lifting rope to the platform with your head in the direction of travel
  • After crossing the rope, keep the following order of switching the belay equipment; first we unfasten one carabiner and attach it to the loop entwined around the tree, then we unfasten the carabiner and attach it to the safety loop, as the last we unhook the pulley that is still on the steel slide line and attach it to the ear at the side of the harness.
  • When walking through the Rope Park it is advisable to calm down, you cannot jump over obstacles and swing on attractions not intended for this.
  • There can only be one person on a single obstacle. There can be a maximum of two people on the landing.
  • In the event of loss of strength, resignation or other reasons preventing the completion of the route, please call the Rope Park staff, we will be efficiently brought back to earth. During a visit to the Rope Park, we should strictly follow the instructions of the instructors.
  • People in the Rope Park can not pose a threat to their life or health of themselves or others with their behavior both on the ground and at height. People in the Rope Park may not disturb the work of the Park staff.
  • Destruction of rope park elements is prohibited under penalty of criminal liability.
  • All accidents and injuries should be immediately reported to employees of the Rope Park.
  • Failure to comply with any point of the regulations may result in absolute abandonment of the Rope Park.